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Another blog-sized Petra Cortright capture. This work would be really great on a big plasma screen. Just kidding!
"Bass Iterator 2" [mp3 removed]
Done a couple of years ago but never posted (I chose another version). It's more in the art-techno genre before I started caring about musical structure. The "iterations" are all timbral--the notes don't change.
Michael Bell-Smith, "Video Created to Fix Stuck Pixels in Computer Monitors Recast (with Soundtrack and Sunset) as Video to Fix Your Stuck Mind" (link to Quicktime .mov here ). This was posted a while back but I missed it (thanks, paul). Very amusing--excellent title.

Petra Cortright: from Selected System Landscapes:
Karl Blossfeldt meets Tron by way of pixel art. The image above is a "remix"--apologies to the artist, just wanted something self contained and looping for the blog since most of imagery fills the entire screen. You can page through the presentation, which is somewhat JODI-esque but with more of the cool botanical imagery--by clicking anywhere on the screen. Just singling out a couple of pages I like--for the busy surfer.