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I've been joking about the free music sites linking to my .mp3 output, some of which are a trifle skanky (pop up heaven). This one is pretty handsome, though. I can remember a day when musicians had to join .mp3 sites and upload to them, hoping someone would stumble on their "wares" in those individual archives. (I suppose MySpace still operates that way--with added social networking functions--but I chafe at the format.) My tunes are definitely getting "out there" despite the randomness of the context, judging from the downloads, particularly in Asia, it seems, and all I'm doing is making tracks and posting them. Money would be nice but "airplay" is great, too--as long as the bandwidth stays manageable (which it has so far). This is niche music anyway and will remain so unless vocals are added and stories of heartache and pain are told.
Can't stop watching the video of earth compared to VV Cephei, an enormous star that if placed where our sun is, would be as large as the orbit of Saturn. The popular computer graphic shows earth next to Neptune, Neptune next to Saturn, then Jupiter, the Sun, Sirius, Pollux, Arcturus, etc all the way up to VV Cephei, like a procession of bigger and bigger schoolyard bullies. It's absolutely humbling to think of that of all that size and power. Astronomers say VY Canis Majoris is even larger. By the way, congratulations to Robert Quimby, a grad student working at the McDonald Observatory in West Texas for spotting the largest supernova yet recorded, fortunately in a galaxy 240 million light years away and therefore during the Permian era of our own history. The exploded star was hypothesized to be 100-200 times heavier than our sun.
I've said this before.
I hate the MSPaint spraycan tool.
Even though I learned some new tricks from Travis such as how to make the spray a wider range of sizes, it doesn't change the fundamentally unaesthetic look of that dot dispersion pattern.
After the subtleties of MSPaintbrush (Paint's superior predecessor that Microsoft ruined), it's like painting with acrylics after learning oils.
With the previous drawing I did everything I could think of either to use the spray proactively or to divert attention from it.
1. Made the surface illusion very flat since you can't depth-model convincingly with that uniform fake pointillist pattern.
2. Tried to think of a surface that's naturally granular, such as "lunar dust."
3. Varied the width of the spray and used some big, fanning sweeps as kind of a wash or glaze--fuggedaboutit.
4. Saved it as a .GIF from the native .BMP to add more of a "grid feel" via the dithering of those grays.
5. Used a blue "intrusion" pattern (an homage to Houston painter Perry House) to confuse the read of the image.
I'm still stuck with that dead-ass, rectangular dot grain. Yeuuchh. (I like the drawing, though.)
Internet Acronyms
AFK - A Fine Kettle
TTYL - To Toss Your Lunch
FTW - Fuck The Wankers
FTSS - Fans Trail Sharon Stone
ASL - Ankylosauruses Should Leave
OTM - Off Track Meddling
YSI? - You Sure Is?
FFS - Free For Seniors
RTFM - Rock the Fother Mucker
originally posted in the Nasty Nets comments but no one said LOL (Let Osama Linger) so I'm putting them here.
ArtKrush has published a second installment of its "art online" series. (The first was here.) This blog is on the link list as a "new media blog." I'm down with that as long as new media means "the ism that follows and subsumes conceptualism in the history of art" but I do consider this an art blog. Art made with a PC, blog-in-a-gallery, and computercentric reviews notwithstanding, during the last six months the following have been discussed, depicted, or parodied on this page: Charles Ray, Judy Pfaff, Cindy Sherman, Ludwig Schwarz, Roxy Paine, Ryan McGinness, Sol LeWitt, Richard Woods, Kelley Walker, Klaus Mossetig, Allison Smith, David Moreno, Vincent Van Gogh, Triple Candie's "Limelight" exhibit, Miklos Suba, Chris Burden, Fiona Banner, Mark Dagley, Don Voisine, Marc Handelman, The Art Guys, Gary Hill, Doug Aitken, Elaine Sturtevant, Salvador Dali, Claes Oldenburg & Coosje Van Bruggen, Tony Conrad, Ralston Crawford, Ken Lum, Ivan Albright, John Pomara, Jackson Pollock, Matthew Geller.