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Sexy fighting babes are the rage in the secondary school art set. Are these images (Saranety's "Crystal Shards" series, from sexist or empowering? It's an inane dichotomy, really. You have the infantile large eyes and the sexual come-on of the costumes but also strong, confident, dynamic figures in fighting poses with weapons. The contrast makes the drawings interesting.
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five by wenstrom
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I meant to post this pixel art assortment about a year ago. Many of the .gifs aren't still at the original links.
Is there a name for chickenhawks of the left? Josh Marshall needs one:
For someone who considers himself in many ways a hawk and who did and does believe in American power as a force for good in the world (most recently in the Balkans)1 it is difficult to describe the depth of the chagrin over watching the unfolding of a story [the Abu Ghraib torture] which reads in many ways like a parody of Chomskian screeds against American villainy.Uh, Josh, how about saying it this way?
[I]t is difficult to describe the depth of the chagrin over watching the unfolding of a story which proves Noam Chomsky absolutely correct.Does a country with two million people in prison and incarceration facilities that inflict great physical and psychological cruelty (23 hour days in solitary, uncontrolled rape, murder, etc etc) have any business appointing itself "policeman of the world"? I don't think so. One doesn't have to "hate America" to think bombing and torturing "for peace" is just crazy.
1. Not everyone agrees that bombing Belgrade and helping to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of Serbs was the right way to handle the situation in the Balkans. Also, it's been known for some time that our "contractors" in Bosnia and other hot spots do morally enlightened things like lease girls for six months at a time.
Lots of people have been doing search requests for "Army Pfc. Lynndie England," the woman holding a leash around a naked man's neck in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison. What is this fascination with evil women? A guy in Fresno shoots 9 of his children and it's a local story after the first week, but Andrea Yates drowns her 5 and it's a national cause. People, Lynndie England is a distraction from the real issue. The government and a compliant media say that the naked men tied up and arranged in dogpiles were the work of a few bad (or "overstressed") eggs. That's not true. Military intelligence dreamed up all the simulated homoerotic activity and picture-taking to break down the sexually squeamish Iraqis and get them to "confess." Our government has crossed the line and they're handing you Lynddie England. Wake up and smell the coffee, folks.
Watch war criminal Donald Rumsfeld being heckled by protesters during today's Congressional hearing. Pretty gratifying.
Opie - Our Greatest Installation Artist
Screen grabs from Ron Howard's film A Beautiful Mind. In the depths of paranoid schizophrenia, mathematician Russell Crowe sees patterns in newspaper and magazine clippings and sets out to "break the code." Twice (that we see) he fills a room with printed matter and scrawls numbers and diagrams all over everything--above is the second episode, in the tool shed. Of course, the art world is full of people doing this kind of thing, from Kurt Schwitters to Robert Rauschenberg to Thomas Hirschhorn (see below). Director Howard hired some pretty good people to channel this activity as simulated madness. Instead of the Modernist paradigm of "artists taking inspiration from the insane" this is the reverse process, sort of, bringing the visual vocabulary of the art elite (Hirschhorn at Barbara Gladstone) to a mass audience. Hence, the title of this post.
Thomas Hirschhorn, Plan Moi
From ionarts:
Twice in [Kill Bill: Vol. 2] characters use the phrase "coup de grâce" but pronounce it without the final S sound ("coup de gra"): in French, that would give you the phrase "coup de gras" (S not pronounced), which I guess is the heart attack one would get from eating too much triple-cream St. André (a "blow of fat").I also learned that Tarantino thinks Gibson's Passion "is one of the most brilliant visual storytelling movies I've seen since the talkies—as far as telling a story via pictures." I agree with ionarts' Charles T. Downey that Kill Bill: Vol. 1 was better than 2 (except for that turgid anime), but it's a moot point because they now begin their life as a single film. Will they be watchable in one sitting as a DVD? Or will all the yacking in Vol. 2 grow tedious, as the spectacular Crazy 88 sequence recedes in memory? I went to see Vol. 1 twice (mostly for the densely-layered music) but haven't felt the urge with Vol. 2, much as I enjoyed it.