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Will be traveling hither and yon for a few days so my BLOG performance posts will be erratic. Some items are "queued up" waiting for me to hit the post button from wherever I am, and I may be doing some live blogging, but the post times may not always conform to gallery hours. Fascinating, I know. Right up there with drawing other artists' work in MSPaint.
Highly recommended if you can scarf it up:
Sun Ra and his Arkestra
Disco 3000
Saturn CMIJ 78
Saturn Gemini CMIJ 78
Side A:
Disco 3000 (incl. Space is the Place) (Ra)
Side B:
Third Planet (Ra)
Friendly Galaxy (Ra)
Dance of the Cosmo-Aliens (Ra)
Ra--p, org, Crumar Mainman drum box, etc; Michael Ray--tp, voc; John Gilmore--ts, voc; Luqman Ali--d, voc. Italy, 1/78. Side B live. [Stahl and rlc]
A review found online by Paul C.:
Recorded in Italy in 1978 DISCO 3000 stands apart by being a quartet record as well as being from a brief period when Sun Ra was noodling [please, this is not noodling] with the Crumar Mainman keyboard. Playing organ and Moog along with the Mainman's rickey-tickey pre-programmed beats [please, this is not rickey-tickey], DISCO 3000 has a sound unique in the Sun Ra catalog (not counting the equally rare contemporaneous releases MEDIA DREAM & SOUND MIRROR). With the Arkestra stripped down to just Ra, John Gilmore on sax, Michael Ray on electronically manipulated trumpet and drummer Luqman Ali DISCO 3000 gives the listener an excellent chance to hear some of these important sidemen step to the forefront and shine. This impossibly rare release from the Saturn catalog has just recently been resurrected in a small deluxe vinyl pressing from the Italian label Art Yard.
"Dance of the Cosmo-Aliens" is very Can-like--stunning.

mspaint-ified steve mumford
"Sacred Elephants" [mp3 removed]
This song has several variations: "Piano Three Hands" was the first. This is a Reaktor-ified version with fairly active percussion.
Update: Remixed and reposted in 2013.
New cat bus videos by Anthony Leslie: #5 and #6
These are getting more elaborate (but still artfully clumsy)--watch the first four again and you'll notice. I like the way standard Hollywood editing moves are mimicked and moronified, as in "the chase scene" in #6. (The gimpy perspective on that pistol closeup haunts. Also, note surf music rendition of "Greensleeves" during chase.)
I passed a guy yesterday with a jambox on his bike playing the Cat Bus theme (or close enough).
[hat tip Nasty Nets]

still from gradient squares animation (an earlier version)
This is what some recent art here looks like on a Mac:

(Thanks to g. for making me cry.)