I haven't done a goldurn thing since my return from NY. I haven't even entered the Rocheblave house. I wonder if there is an online procrastinators support group? What am I asking, of course there is. Maybe I'll look in to that tomorrow not.

Shelton got kicked out of McDonough HS (John Mac) for hitting a security guard in an act of chivalry. He went to Juvie Jail and a drug dealing cousin came to rescue and signed him out, pissing off more importantly than me, Mandy, who is the guardian of record. Shelton was read the riot act by Mandy and is now in Jail 2646. I am trying, for my part, to be a gentler, kinder, more loving warden, and am letting him listen louder than I care for, more rap than I care for.

I read the Stephen King, Hearts of Atlantis, and thought only the King could get such a loosely edited work published, I love him though, but think he is still trying to get that novel rejected as a highschooler published, which he already has, but obviously not to his satisfaction. Its that Dark Towers theme haunting him.

Not to avoid more important work or trying to avoid the still persistent heat/humidity, I have picked up Theodore Dreiser's An American Tragedy, one of those important works by one of those important writers who were writing/experimenting their asses off during the twenties. Some call it the most poorly written great novel of all time. I am finding it worth the effort. But all of this is besides the point, what I really logged on for was to...
- jimlouis 9-15-2000 7:12 pm

the entire internet is a procrastination support group. you want procrastination. im still in training for the '92 summer olympics in barcelona. i still havent decided what to major in at college but i graduated 10 years ago. im even thinking about putting off the next sentence. dont put off for tomorrow, that which you can put off for today.
- dave 9-15-2000 11:17 pm [add a comment]

  • put it off now so you dont have to put it off later
    - Skinny 9-16-2000 3:22 am [add a comment]

    • Now that's a work ethic.
      - alex 9-16-2000 3:54 am [add a comment]

      • Thanks for the support everybody. I think I will load all the tools back into my truck this morning, put on my work clothes, and drive over to Audubon park with the Dreiser, spy this years' crop of Tulane/Loyola coeds, maybe hope for contact with a nursing student, I didn't get the splinter out.
        - jimlouis 9-16-2000 4:29 pm [add a comment]

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