A group of volunteers is joining the Library of Congress and the Internet Archive in San Francisco to piece together what the Web looked like during and after the events of Sept. 11, according to the Washington Post.

The project -- which will rely on Web pages archived offline after terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon -- expects to publish its results Oct. 11. Kirsten Foot, a University of Washington professor who is co-directing the effort, told the Post: "There is the potential for a new level of civic activism emerging. There's been a huge surge in people feeling compelled to make statements about the events online. We see it everywhere online, and we want to preserve a record of it."

Brewster Kahle, founder of the Internet Archive, said the idea is to build a new kind of library. "This isn't just about historians storing stuff in a closet. We are trying hard to become a meaningful resource to people in real time," he said.

The Internet Archive can be found at archive.org.

- linda 9-28-2001 6:08 pm

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