Oklahoma up by fifteen over Cal but OU doesn't hold on to a lead very well so lookout, Hollis Price playing with injury, Bookout recovering from flu, Quannas White hitting his threes.
- jimlouis 3-23-2003 2:32 am

Gonzaga 44, #1Arizona 41. At the half.
- jimlouis 3-23-2003 2:46 am [add a comment]

Gonzaga holds on, takes Arizona to overtime Gonzaga leads for the first time in overtime. commercial. 2:07 to go. Arizona goes up by three. Gonzaga answers immediately with a three, score tied, 59 seconds to go. Short break for war news. Walton throws it out of bounds for Arizona, Gonzaga ball. Time out called. 27 seconds left. Commercial. Score tied. 16 seconds left. Loose ball. Walton scores. Gonzaga answers. Double overtime.
- jimlouis 3-23-2003 4:15 am [add a comment]

Oklahoma easily beat California.
- jimlouis 3-23-2003 4:16 am [add a comment]

Nice call. MB and I have been watching. Great game. Tis is the first i've looked at the tournament, and I think I picked the rigt time. Sure beats the war. Thanks.
- jim 3-23-2003 4:17 am [add a comment]

  • Both are about the violent acquisition of realestate.
    - steve 3-23-2003 4:39 am [add a comment]

Where is the other team from?
- jim 3-23-2003 4:19 am [add a comment]

Gonzaga? Spokane, I think.
- jimlouis 3-23-2003 4:25 am [add a comment]

Too bad, Gonzaga loses by one.
- jimlouis 3-23-2003 4:28 am [add a comment]

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