

- bill 3-09-2004 3:54 pm

Are you suggesting that supporting Nader is the equivalent of getting in a pissing contest with a skunk?
- alex 3-09-2004 7:53 pm [add a comment]

are you ? / by way of full disclosure, i voted nader in last election and may do it again this time. but, i live in new jersey and not florida, new hampshire, new mexico, oregeon...

- bill 3-09-2004 8:01 pm [add a comment]

  • I voted Nader last time and make no apologies. This time I'm for Kerry. I'm in OR but if I were still in NY I'd vote the same regardless. I figure a symbolic vote to unseat Bush is crucial, it's landslide time. If Kerry gets in office I'll probably go back to Green.
    - steve 3-13-2004 6:45 pm [add a comment]

  • a landslide sounds good to me. my only regret voting nader last time was that it shorted gore in the national popular vote count, during the florida recount period.
    - bill 3-13-2004 7:13 pm [add a comment]

I don't know about politicians, but I support skunks and other fissipeds.
- alex 3-09-2004 8:14 pm [add a comment]

On the Oregon coast Skunk Cabbage is currently yielding beautiful yellow flowers.
- steve 3-11-2004 7:56 pm [add a comment]

- Alan P., CVHS lagunamo@sonic. (guest) 9-12-2004 7:25 am [add a comment]

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