is 9/11 a national holiday yet? too close to labor day? can they be combined? national work yourself to death day? or maybe, national al qaida determined to attack usa but we'd rather wait out the attack outside of washington stage a photo-op on our fake ranch for a complicit and docile press corp during our monthlong vacation after only 7 months in office..*pant* i cant wait for the parade.
- dave 9-11-2004 4:49 pm

lets see those iraqi terrorists attack us now! so long, saddam! your terrorist network and extremely well hidden weapons of mass destructing will have no effect on us. we're amphibious!
- dave 9-11-2004 4:57 pm [add a comment]

Can’t we just forget? If you were born in 18th century Europe you wouldn’t think twice about armies marching back and forth over your home turf, but we take one hit and can’t let it go. Drop the heavy feelings; there’s safety in numbness. I went bird watching and still couldn’t get away from it: all day we kept seeing fighter jets refueling , attached to much larger planes like parasites sucking the life out of their host, a good metaphor for the current administration.
- alex 9-12-2004 7:15 am [add a comment]

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