Billmon returned from the dead and posted something in the wee hours about how the Dems should make more of Bush's anger issues. Now he's pulled the post. I know he's well liked around here, but he's such a sulking primadonna. "How dare you love me?"
maybe you just had of vision of billmon. was he weeping like the virgin mother?
This Kos post captured the quote before it vamoosed.
i saw "the post" while it was up. maybe he was embarrassed that the thought was unoriginal.
- tom moody 10-09-2004 9:07 pm
maybe you just had of vision of billmon. was he weeping like the virgin mother?
- dave 10-09-2004 9:55 pm [add a comment]
This Kos post captured the quote before it vamoosed.
- tom moody 10-09-2004 10:25 pm [add a comment]
i saw "the post" while it was up. maybe he was embarrassed that the thought was unoriginal.
- dave 10-10-2004 12:42 am [add a comment]