Glad to have Randy Johnson as a Yankee (better he were 10 years younger) but he’d better adjust to the big city. He’s on Letterman tonight, and this incident prompts me to predict an item:
Top 10 ways for a sportswriter to get punched out:
#1: Ask Randy Johnson why they call him “the Big Eunuch”
You come up with the other 9.

- alex 1-11-2005 4:52 pm

#2: Ask Mike Tyson to lend you an ear.

#3: Ask Dorothy Hamill about the “Hamill Camel Toe”

- alex 1-11-2005 7:34 pm [add a comment]

#4: Tell Pete Rose you’ll give him good odds on making the Hall of Fame.

#5: Ask Jim Thorpe if he wants to make a few bucks.

#6: High-five Ty Cobb and shout “love the salad, you crazy cracker!”

- alex 1-11-2005 8:47 pm [add a comment]

you cant work billy martin into this ?
- bill 1-11-2005 8:51 pm [add a comment]

#7: Say anything to Billy Martin.
- alex 1-11-2005 8:54 pm [add a comment]

Ask him if it was painful when, due to trademark issues, he had to leave "Billy Ball" behind in Oakland. And was that just one or the set?
- mark 1-11-2005 10:07 pm [add a comment]

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