Dave and I once talked about opening a bar called "Pong Bar" that featured tons video game consoles from our youth. This ebay auction is all somebody needs to win to make the dream come true.
- jim 10-14-2005 9:20 pm

some people make their dreams come true.
- dave 10-14-2005 9:29 pm [add a comment]

although theyre not that old skool, im sure.
- dave 10-14-2005 9:32 pm [add a comment]

Grojund Kontrol is a retro video game arcade here in Portland. Star Castle, Omega Race, Robotron...
- steve 10-15-2005 9:25 am [add a comment]

  • they used to be a hole in the wall down the street from me. I see now that they've moved they serve beer and host electronic music performances. (and sold/lost Omega Race?) Glad they moved, the Q*Bert machine sucked my quarters worse than I sucked at the game.
    - steve 10-15-2005 9:29 am [add a comment]

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