Good news from the mailbag:Hello,
I have found your website by searching Google for "woman breaking dishes machine embroidery design". I think our websites has a similar theme, so I have already added your link to my website. It's about time someone took note of our dominance in the "women breaking dishes machine embroidery design" space.
so what is her website?
This is just one of many varieties of spam you get if you have a webmaster@ email address. Everybody tries to get other websites to link to them in order to increase their google juice. This offer to trade links is generated by a robot (I hope!) and is just blindly sent out to millions of webmasters in the hope that one or two confused individuals will actually link back to the site in question (which is probably selling viagra.) Or something like that. Often it seems to make even less sense than that and you can't figure out what the actual point is. If you do the google search we don't come up anywhere near the top. But if you search within those results for '', Sally's page does come up.
I just thought it was a nice sentence.
- jim 3-21-2006 7:52 pm
so what is her website?
- mb 3-28-2006 2:04 am [add a comment]
This is just one of many varieties of spam you get if you have a webmaster@ email address. Everybody tries to get other websites to link to them in order to increase their google juice. This offer to trade links is generated by a robot (I hope!) and is just blindly sent out to millions of webmasters in the hope that one or two confused individuals will actually link back to the site in question (which is probably selling viagra.) Or something like that. Often it seems to make even less sense than that and you can't figure out what the actual point is. If you do the google search we don't come up anywhere near the top. But if you search within those results for '', Sally's page does come up.
I just thought it was a nice sentence.
- jim 3-29-2006 9:28 pm [add a comment]