ding dong

- bill 1-03-2007 7:59 pm

A big reason I don't mind my bell being out.
- tom moody 1-03-2007 10:16 pm [add a comment]

- mark 1-04-2007 7:54 pm [add a comment]

Our grandmother used to tell the door-to-door Jehova's Witnesses that she was a Quaker to make them go away.
- johnschw (guest) 1-07-2007 4:41 am [add a comment]

I have two anecdotes about Mormon missionaries. This is the shorter and more recent one.

I thought I had written about the other, and much more drawn out, encounter but I can't find it at the moment. Anyways, I scored a Book of Mormon with the name Lazlo Toth enscribed in gold on the cover. And got the satisfaction of seeing a Mormon flinch at the sight of The Book of Tao.

- mark 1-07-2007 5:37 am [add a comment]

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