TORONTO — What exactly was he planning to do with 2,865 bicycles?

The police are baffled by what Igor Kenk planned to do with such a surplus of bikes. That is just one of many questions the police and others have been puzzling over since the arrest last month of Igor Kenk, the owner of a used-bike shop here.

- bill 8-22-2008 1:28 pm

I've known this guy as a neighbour for years. He's uber-charismatic and a little nutty. Big tall hunky eastern european blasting opera out over the sidewalk while he tinkers with bikes and hangs out with an assortment of dogs and human pals of varying degrees of seediness. I think he collected all those bicycles because he wanted them, not because he had any plans for them. People get that way about bicycles sometimes.
- sally mckay 8-22-2008 2:57 pm [add a comment]

- bill 8-22-2008 5:02 pm [add a comment]

He didn't steal all those bikes. Some other people stole some of them and sold them to him. And some of them were just used bikes that people sold to him straight up.
- sally mckay 8-22-2008 5:15 pm [add a comment]

My next door neighbour just recovered a bike that was stolen a few years ago. A friend of his recognised it at the impound where the 2000 + bikes are being stored. So he walked in without looking at any of the bikes, described it to the cop on duty and was allowed to take it right away.

I'm going to have to go in and claim my bronze sculpture of a centaur and a snake in battle.

- L.M. 8-22-2008 6:18 pm [add a comment]

Sarah once had an elaborately hand painted bike stolen, and then later saw some guy riding it in the east village. She stopped him, called over a near by cop and convinced him to wait with the bike and rider while she ran home and got a picture of it. This was somehow enough to convince the cop, and he made the guy give it back to her! I'll never figure out how she was able to accomplish this. Possession may be 9/10ths of the law, but it's still no match for Sarah.
- jim 8-22-2008 6:25 pm [add a comment]

- mb 8-22-2008 6:50 pm [add a comment]

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