word to the wise.... do not get into an argument with jim over the relative merits of synthetic versus natural decking materials if you are itching for a quick and easy exit from a mutually besotted encounter. i wont mention which jim as i suspect either or perhaps all might take the installation of composites as a personal affront.
- dave 9-19-2008 7:25 am

Well allowing for the likelihood that at least some of the Ipe coming into this country almost certainly has forged FSC (forestry stewardship council) documents and is therefore at least possibly from that hotbed of controversy (to slash and burn or not to slash and burn), the amazon rainforest, I think it warrants discussion, not that Ipe is the only natural way to go (but it is for people who can afford it). And I think there are applications where composite is appropriate but saying this I don't want to imply that I wasn't besotted mutually or that I didn't call you a stupid synthetic loving bastard. I hope this helps to clear things up.
- jimlouis 9-19-2008 1:33 pm [add a comment]

i suggested bamboo at one point but was told that it left unsightly carbon footprints in the flooring. and by unsightly he meant exasperatingly minute. he had an orcish gleam in his eye seemingly relishing the role as a destructive force on mother gaia. it was more than a little creepy truth be told.
- dave 9-19-2008 1:45 pm [add a comment]

I used cedar 2x6s ripped in half lengthwise on my tenants decks and just yesterday was wondering if that was the wisest choice since the one tenant burned a 3 inch whole through it. From an ashtray he claims.
- ken 9-23-2008 3:11 pm [add a comment]

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