the us reimagined as 50 states with equal population.
Glad to see Shasta got her own state.
Not sure the Doughtons and Wheelers are.
- Washington (aka Rainier) is the nominal state.
- The partition of Tejas makes sense, although a big part of Big Thicket ain't got no trees.
- Shiprock is a bit crazy. Three time zones?
- Chicagoans ain't down with being in the state of Gary.
- Crackers ain't down with being in the state of King.
- "Ozark"? More like "Elvis". Or "the great state of Elvis, powered by FedEx."
the us reimagined as 50 states with equal population.
- dave 3-19-2013 3:58 am
Glad to see Shasta got her own state.
- jim 3-19-2013 6:12 pm [add a comment]
- steve 3-20-2013 4:42 am [add a comment]
Not sure the Doughtons and Wheelers are.
- mb 3-19-2013 9:30 pm [add a comment]
- mark 3-20-2013 7:26 am [add a comment]