just randomly exclaimed "priceline... negotiator!" for successfully aiming a stream of raid through the pans hanging on my wall killing a roach. lets just say the roach had it coming to him. i may need to lay down after all this excitement. (imagine im one of those people who would photoshop a can of raid into this photo, and sure, why not, a roach or two. its not like you imagining literally increases the amount of work i have to do.)
just randomly exclaimed "priceline... negotiator!" for successfully aiming a stream of raid through the pans hanging on my wall killing a roach. lets just say the roach had it coming to him. i may need to lay down after all this excitement. (imagine im one of those people who would photoshop a can of raid into this photo, and sure, why not, a roach or two. its not like you imagining literally increases the amount of work i have to do.)
- dave 5-12-2015 8:38 pm