Can anyone report on seeing Lorette Velvette and Mo Tucker backed by the Work Dogs last night at Tonic? Heard Lou was there too.

- bill 5-26-2001 1:51 pm

Lorette played with her husband Alex Greene who can play just about any instrument it seems, though this night he stuck to the acoustic guitar and paino. They did some blues standards as well as a couple of songs by Lorette and one by the two of them. The set was a sitdown one as Lorette is five months pregnant.
Mo rocked out (those were the Work Dogs?!? They must have gotten facelifts or be on that HGH hormone, I figured they were a twenty-something-all-boy band she put together in Georgia.) Mostly songs about working at Walmart and not having any money though she did sing one about the death of Sterling Morrison. Grungy and catchy, one song was stuck in my head all day yesterday. I didn't see Lou, but Mo's guitar made it sound as if he were there.
Nor did I stick around for Seargant's super group which seems to basically consist of a bunch of critical darlings, Lorette and Mo included. I've seen them play at the Knitting Factory and enjoyed it somewhat but it just came off as too calculated for my tastes. The rumor I heard was that John Cale was going to join in this time.
Lorette was great, I've only heard good songs from her.
- steve 5-27-2001 6:37 pm [add a comment]

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