team shitbird shirts are ready 

- bill 7-18-2024 6:31 pm

- dave 7-18-2024 6:46 pm [add a comment]

  • I saw that. Is it a band? What the additional reference

    - bill 7-18-2024 6:52 pm [add a comment]

    • think its just military slang.


      adj. Of poor quality. Lacking.

      etymology: Thanks to the military's love for abbreviations and acronyms, unsat is shor for "unsatisfactory"

      - dave 7-18-2024 7:34 pm [add a comment]

    • So, relative to the navy nature of the movie. Guess I’ll have to revisit it
      - bill 7-18-2024 9:37 pm [add a comment]

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