the high bridge, NYC

- bill 7-29-2024 10:32 am

Demolition of the bandshell was considered a big loss by many locals

- bill 8-05-2024 2:21 pm [add a comment]

  • i could be wrong but it was grossly underutilized. not living down there i am less invested but am curious to see what it amounts to when all is said and done.

    - dave 8-05-2024 2:42 pm [add a comment]

  • No doubt it will be a vast improvement to the neighborhood. The first couple of wigstocks were in the bandshell in Thompson Sq. But it was demo'd after the park was taken over homesteader fashion. Then the riots.

    - bill 8-05-2024 3:04 pm [add a comment]

  • wigstock, bill THANK YOU for reminding me I went:>)
    - Skinny 8-05-2024 10:21 pm [add a comment]

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