
- dave 8-06-2024 7:58 am

on 3rd and b across from where jim and i first lived in nyc. what a loser! i spent all my time reading alone in that red building across the street. 

- dave 8-06-2024 8:01 am [add a comment]

trying to figure out what's with that counter. Some sort of inverted pew?

- steve 8-06-2024 8:44 am [add a comment]

They are all reading Bowling Alone. 

- bill 8-06-2024 8:57 am [add a comment]

i was gonna say we will have to wait for our reclaimed wood expert to chime in with a stream of consciousness response about sconces but you picked up the spare. never heard of that book. was it on everyones bookshelf in 1995?

- dave 8-06-2024 9:04 am [add a comment]

it was a thing at the time. Those floors need sawdust

- bill 8-06-2024 9:10 am [add a comment]

You did mention being in a book club.
- alex 8-06-2024 10:07 am [add a comment]

true. ill assume you think i am calling them losers. just something oddly sad about that image though happy they found a place they can be alone together outside a starbucks.

- dave 8-06-2024 11:57 am [add a comment]

What was the music vibe?
- bill 8-06-2024 11:59 am [add a comment]

  • i think it involves frequency and amplitude but im not a sound engineer.

    i didnt go there. i was just providing steve with some book related content. i was looking for something about book clubs and was fortunate it related to my very enthralling personal history. also, if i mention jims name three times i am almost certain i can conjure him to at least update the post window software.

    - dave 8-06-2024 12:12 pm [add a comment]

  • Also, what’s the deal if you edit a post the commas change to something odd.
    - bill 8-06-2024 12:38 pm [add a comment]

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