was about ready for a new pair of hikers moreso after i stepped in dog shit and the cleanup took off more than just the dogshit. still wearable but i started looking. i was hoping for something other than the merrell moabs which are fine and you can usually find a good deal on them ive had two pairs but they are kind of drab but serviceable. when ive gone away from them i usually end up with something too stiff, ya know, for actual hiking, and i probably did the same again  but i found a good price on these today $76 (!!!) so i figured id give them a go. not my first color option but thats what was available. even has free returns. i did check to see if the seller was legit and according to reddit they are.

- dave 12-08-2024 6:22 pm

actually ive finally warmed up to the allbirds i got a couple of years ago which i think were these in grayish green but need something i can wear when its wet....ish.

- dave 12-08-2024 6:29 pm [add a comment]


- steve 12-08-2024 10:41 pm [add a comment]

  • those dont look very comfortable.

    - dave 12-08-2024 10:44 pm [add a comment]

  • Huffing the fumes helps ease the pain
    - steve 12-08-2024 10:51 pm [add a comment]

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- WilliamKam (guest) 12-10-2024 9:36 am [add a comment]

Your Package Has Arrived!

and just in time if the above post is accurate. a little tight around the toe box but..... 

cautiously optimistic.

- dave 12-16-2024 4:12 pm [add a comment]

What color?
- steve 12-16-2024 9:42 pm [add a comment]

Nice enough looking shoe. Kind of a takeoff on what we called grandpa shoes.
- bill 12-17-2024 7:49 am [add a comment]

guess "above post" was a little too subtle as were the double entendres though my shoes did arrive that much is true. it was the hikers not allbirds. speaking of all birds tho... no? crotch?

- dave 12-17-2024 8:12 am [add a comment]

I bet you mean the Аренда я was the subtle post, not the hairy pussy one.
- steve 12-17-2024 9:38 am [add a comment]

  • tilda swinton, amirite?

    - dave 12-17-2024 10:59 am [add a comment]

skirt hikers

- bill 12-17-2024 9:39 am [add a comment]

  • this doesnt make up for cagmeister but good effort.

    - dave 12-17-2024 10:59 am [add a comment]

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