Does "funnily enough" ever sound right?

- bill 12-17-2024 9:38 am

its all about the accompanying gesture

- dave 12-17-2024 11:01 am [add a comment]


- steve 12-17-2024 11:16 am [add a comment]

Not if you’re writing. Unless you’re writing about funnels.
- alex 12-17-2024 1:41 pm [add a comment]

Mushroom products have become a basic in my wellness routine! The normal ingredients generate me pet energized and focused without the jitters. From to mushroom gummies , I sweetheart the dirty bite and the vigorousness benefits. Perfect looking for immune bear, worry relief, and perceptual clarity. Enthusiastically recommend!
- WilliamniP (guest) 12-18-2024 5:53 am [add a comment]

I recently tried thc gummies , and I’m really impressed with the quality. The effects were slick, calming, and faithfully what I was hoping for. The miscellany of options also allowed me to upon something made-to-order for both relaxing evenings and rich days. Once recommend in favour of anyone seeking great results!
- thc gummies (guest) 12-18-2024 6:58 am [add a comment]

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