Alex, what are we looking at?
- steve 12-05-2013 2:07 am

its says great cormorant on the bottom and ill go with australian pelican. no idea about the fish.

This pelican also takes other birds with some frequency, such as Silver gulls and Grey teal, including eggs, nestlings, fledgings and adults, which they kill by pinning them underwater and drowning them. Reptiles and amphibians are also taken when available. Reportedly even small dogs have been swallowed. The Australian Pelican is an occasional kleptoparasitic of other water birds, such as cormorants.

- dave 12-05-2013 3:33 am [add a comment]

That sounds about right. I recognize Great Cormorant, which we get around here in the winter, didn't realize they're around Australia, but in fact they are. That's an obvious pelican, and though the picture is from an odd angle the color and lack of bare skin extending from the bill up around the eyes does seem to match Australian.
They're looking for Christmas Count participants if you want to volunteer, Dave.
- alex 12-05-2013 12:20 pm [add a comment]

  • great but im not sure i have the right gear. do i need a shotgun or a rifle?
    - dave 12-05-2013 3:01 pm [add a comment]

    • Anything over a 410 just isn't sporting for song birds and the like.
      - mark 12-09-2013 7:38 pm [add a comment]

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