guess JR outlived NYR

LK for VV = (SOHHNSOH) sound of hammer hitting nail soundly on head - thanks! / ...but he would know.

- bill 4-17-2001 10:03 pm

Now I remember (I think). Didn't NY Rocker become EC (East Coast) Rocker. They are now a freebie, packaged with the Aquarian, or at least they were, I find an Aquarian site, but no mention of Rocker. Does remind me of another Punk era story. In college I knew a guy who worked for the Aquarian. He introduced me to another fellow who had once managed the Talking Heads. This was only 1978 or 79, but he told how he had met up with the band after they had hit the (relative) big time, and they knew who he was, but had to apologize because they couldn't remember his name. That's showbiz for you.
- alex 4-18-2001 12:05 am [add a comment]

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