One night in a rock'n'roll dive
Like a thousand I've sat in before
I watched a shitty old punk rock band play
And wondered why I should hear more
But then the bald guitarist announced
To the few in thick Cockney tones
The news that broke my heart in two
Of the death of sweet Joey Ramone
Like Stiv and Johnny Thunders
One more rocker's heart had to stop
No more trips to Rockaway Beach
And an end to the Blitzkrieg Bop
Farewell to youth and rocking good times
Now face your old age more alone
Farewell to my gawky, beak nosed friend
Farewell to sweet Joey Ramone
--Mark Mellon
Patricia Ragan Hoehner, who hangs with the Punk magazine gang, responded by email:
"I forwarded this to John Holmstrom, Mark. He agreed that it was spot on
beautiful. He's on his way to Joey's funeral and he said he would print it
out and put it with the flowers/memorials etc. Thank you for this."
She included this: "Don't be sad, cause I'll be there
Don't be sad at all
Life's a gas."
--Joey Ramone 'Life's a Gas' from Adios Amigos
Here's a picture of Joey and his mother, by way of Robert Bohn:

One night in a rock'n'roll dive
Like a thousand I've sat in before
I watched a shitty old punk rock band play
And wondered why I should hear more
But then the bald guitarist announced
To the few in thick Cockney tones
The news that broke my heart in two
Of the death of sweet Joey Ramone
Like Stiv and Johnny Thunders
One more rocker's heart had to stop
No more trips to Rockaway Beach
And an end to the Blitzkrieg Bop
Farewell to youth and rocking good times
Now face your old age more alone
Farewell to my gawky, beak nosed friend
Farewell to sweet Joey Ramone
--Mark Mellon
Patricia Ragan Hoehner, who hangs with the Punk magazine gang, responded by email:
"I forwarded this to John Holmstrom, Mark. He agreed that it was spot on beautiful. He's on his way to Joey's funeral and he said he would print it out and put it with the flowers/memorials etc. Thank you for this."
She included this:
"Don't be sad, cause I'll be there
Don't be sad at all
Life's a gas."
--Joey Ramone 'Life's a Gas' from Adios Amigos
Here's a picture of Joey and his mother, by way of Robert Bohn:

- Tom Moody 4-17-2001 9:39 pm