So true. When I was thirteen, I was bitten by my pet Tarantula, which was milder than a bee sting. The spider had a worse time, spending years in a glass box. I wouldn't discourage kids from catching bugs and lizards and such; it brings them closer to nature, but it always ends up teaching some serious lessons about life, death, freedom, etc. Maybe that's what "close to nature" means. Now I just spy on other life forms. I did help rescue a misguided warbler that got into the office building recently, but by and large we just see each other in passing. Then again, there's this (it's the sneakers that get me).
- alex 6-13-2001 6:20 pm

What warbler? In one eyeshot today
two Goldfinches, one Rosy Finch & a
Pine Siskin at the feeder with a pair
of Mountain Bluebirds busy at the box
all leery of some young magpies
buzzing Sister my mutt collie when Kris
pointed out a pair of Sandhill Cranes
way up & out there headed north.No
Warblers though. Where are they now
the warblers of my youth? That a man
could be so sad knowing he will never hear
those songs again. I mean we're talking
a serious sap for birds here.

- frank 6-15-2001 7:12 am [1 comment]

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