Whew, almost went with 1959. I knew it was one year later than North By Northwest, which still amazes me.

- steve 2-01-2019 11:45 pm

amazes you in that they are stylistically different or just so soon in succession? vertigo was in 58.

- dave 2-02-2019 1:57 am [ comments]

So different stylistically, but a film a year is also pretty amazing.
- steve 2-02-2019 6:01 am [ comments]

Woody is known to make a film a year, but he’s no Hitchcock.
- bill 2-02-2019 6:25 am [ comments]

Actually I think Woody and Hitchcock are pretty well matched in a lot of ways. Both are innovators but I don't think Woody's films were particularly influential on other writers or directors. According to imdb Woody has 55 director credits, and counting, to Hitchcock's 70. But he has 79 writing credits to Hitch's 27. They both acted but Woody has him beat when it comes to screen time. Not sure but I don't think a film a year is uncommon for a lot of directors.
- steve 2-02-2019 6:50 am [ comments]

During the heart of his career, from 1935 to 1960, Hitchcock made 30 feature films, so averaging more than one a year (not counting shorts, docs, and TV.) John Ford made 40 over the same period. Directors, and the industry in general, don’t crank it out like that anymore. I don’t think many keep up a film a year pace these days, but Woody’s made it part of his shtick. He and Hitch are noteable as directors whose name sells the film to the general public, but that was much rarer in Hitchcock's day.

- alex 2-02-2019 8:16 am [ comments]

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