Is this what I ordered?
- jimlouis 10-14-2003 11:05 pm

You wanted the chicken, right?
I see these chickens from time to time; head cut off, eviscerated, but not plucked or cooked. I suspect these are Santeria-type sacrifices. Speaking of chickens, we had a rooster in the yard next door recently. Pecking around among the breeding cats. Chickens and kittens. It was almost cute, but somehow wrong, although it did make me feel like I was living on a farm. I don’t think there’s as much poultry in the city as there used to be, but people still keep fowl here and there, for food, or religious purposes, or maybe just as pets. This one kept crowing at all hours, “Al-ca-hol!” it would cry. When I started hearing shouts of “kill that fucking rooster!” from the neighbors’ windows, I knew it couldn’t last long. The next morning as I was going out for breakfast there was an Animal Control officer out front, asking around after the chicken. The yard it was in is connected to the building next door, not mine, so I denied any connection with the bird, but did admit that it was back there. Then I went on to breakfast, feeling a little like I’d turned in an innocent fugitive. I haven’t seen it since.

- alex 10-15-2003 12:24 am [add a comment]

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