got a late summer reprieve. will be once again housesitting and plant watering in park slope for almost two weeks at the end of august. central a/c for the win!

now my penny pinching brain goes into overdrive as i factor in the late summer energy savings to my overall cost. still, having the a/c in the bedroom window year round is still holding me back, that and chronic indecisiveness. 

- dave 7-12-2024 10:09 am

You can use a cut up trash bag and duct tape to seal off drafts off season.

- bill 7-12-2024 11:27 am [add a comment]

  • im sure that wouldnt look like ass especially if i did it.

    - dave 7-12-2024 11:48 am [add a comment]

  • It’s supposed to. You could substitute cardboard if you prefer earth tones.
    - bill 7-12-2024 6:26 pm [add a comment]

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