that would be my guess. i have some reference to 9.99 on dratfink but the truncated archive only has 2000 posts. jim and i had blogs on blogger prior to dmtree as well which i ported over and why drat fink looked so ridiculous beyond my lack of design capacity and general tastelessness.

- dave 10-07-2024 9:56 pm

maybe others had blogs on blogger, too as alex piped up the next day or maybe dmtree existed in a form that was more atomized and less intertwined.

This is the ever progressing beta of the new main page (treehouse). All functionality is local (i.e., this is the blogger replacement.) The guts are working with the exception of the discussion features, but none of the interface is finalized. The layout will definitely be changing.
- jim 1-25-2000 8:58 pm

- dave 10-07-2024 10:06 pm [2 comments]

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