i wonder where the deanies are on this issue. its perfect for him, full of outrage, hot issue with party faithful. if i were them i would push this and i would somehow get gore out in front of this issue. if he should have a mission it should be to ensure fair voting practices. and now that gore has effectively severed ties with the dlc, he can be more full throated in his liberal pursuits.
- dave 12-15-2003 6:59 pm

Maybe some of this thread should be posted on the dean blog?
- steve 12-15-2003 11:38 pm [add a comment]

  • Come to think of it, is this a good campaign issue? What with an already apathetic voting public, the dems might rather this not even be made public.
    - steve 12-17-2003 3:02 pm [add a comment]

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