I realized that was probably the only solution (manually inserting the breaks) and well, call me lazy. Your decision to have it have it "compose in the window friendly" seems like the correct one. But what does Mr. Wilson do? I believe he does all his writing in a word processing prog. such as Word Perfect. (plugging Corell rather than "The Evil One") and pastes it into the window. Alex, do you insert all the html manually?
- steve 12-07-2001 12:11 am

Yeah, it basically sucks for him. I still haven't addressed his long standing complaint that text doesn't even wrap in the textbox for him (it just goes in one straight line to the right with a left/right scrollbar at the bottom.) Not too easy to edit that way. I just have no idea why his browser would do that.

What you need is a text editor that will remove line breaks before you copy and paste it into...

... hey, wait. Maybe I could have it just strip out all single line breaks, but keep any that come in a series of two or more. That might actually work. I'll have to do some tests. Even if it wasn't perfect it might be pretty close, and you could neaten it up by hand.

Also, another prospect is that if Mozilla gets just a little more mature so that I can recommend it to everyone, we can make a better text editor inside Mozilla.
- jim 12-07-2001 12:24 am [1 comment]

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