I wouldn't say bitter, more like righteously angry. He wrote this before the Taliban started fleeing, which "vindicated" Bush, even with so-called liberals. Now the types of things Moyers is talking about in the speech are considered "fringe thinking" by Barney Frank, Jacob Weisberg, and the rest of the War Democrats. I agree with much of what he says, so I guess I'm on the fringe, too. But I can't help feeling that he's the sane one and the "mainstream" has gone stark staring mad. One of my "liberal" co-workers has a full-page illustration from the New York Post showing a cutaway view of Bin Laden's mountain fortress, which looks like SHIELD headquarters by Steranko, full of high-tech equipment, ammo, sleeping quarters for troops, etc. It looks like obvious propaganda to me ("That's what our boys are up against? Oh, my God!") but I'm afraid to ask if he's displaying it ironically.
- tom moody 12-05-2001 8:56 pm

LOL, We're dealing with Hydra. Wouldn't Ashcroft love to get himself into one of Nick Fury's skin tight stap and holster adorned getups?
Moyers describes hiself as being bitter in the article....
His point about the republicans turning 180º and deciding not to go after off shore money laundering systems which house the coffers of terrorists and corporations (or terrorists/corporations) was news to me. What a bunch of treasonists.
I'm beginning to feel bitter myself.
Were you familliar with this speach?
- steve 12-05-2001 9:33 pm [2 comments]

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