LOL, We're dealing with Hydra. Wouldn't Ashcroft love to get himself into one of Nick Fury's skin tight stap and holster adorned getups?
Moyers describes hiself as being bitter in the article....
His point about the republicans turning 180º and deciding not to go after off shore money laundering systems which house the coffers of terrorists and corporations (or terrorists/corporations) was news to me. What a bunch of treasonists.
I'm beginning to feel bitter myself.
Were you familliar with this speach?
- steve 12-05-2001 9:33 pm

Yes, I read the speech somewhere. There's also a shorter version floating around that doesn't include that unthinkable "china syndrome" description. That just makes my skin crawl. As for the offshore accounts, I know I keep harping about the Saudis, but that's the same issue--the people we really need to go after are in bed with our banks and businesspeople. I really see Afghanistan as a sideshow to distract the masses with an easy take-out situation (which is not to say it doesn't still have quagmire potential). A real war against terrorism would mean throwing out half the bastards driving the economy right now.
- tom moody 12-05-2001 9:45 pm [1 comment]

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