"we shouldn't have disbanded the army. and we should have had limited local elections already. and the june 30 date was a mistake. and i wish we had more troops there."
Sensible suggestions for how minimize the damage in the aftermath of a fundamentally wrong decision. If Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and Bush were hell bent to launch this invasion, they should have had a plan. And they had plenty of time to develop a plan. But they were in deep denial.
What's the least bad course now? Beats me.
Sensible suggestions for how minimize the damage in the aftermath of a fundamentally wrong decision. If Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and Bush were hell bent to launch this invasion, they should have had a plan. And they had plenty of time to develop a plan. But they were in deep denial.
What's the least bad course now? Beats me.
- mark 4-09-2004 9:43 am