I remember the New York Times review of Black's book, IBM and the Holocaust; I'm pretty sure it was by Richard Bernstein. He devoted the whole review to slamming Black for not coming up with a smoking gun directly tying IBM punch cards to the death camps. I remember thinking at the time, "It's not enough that they kept doing business with the Reich during the war? Cripes, that's treason right there!" I wondered, why is the Times working so hard to discredit this book?

Looks like Black did some more digging, and now his results are in the Voice as well as the revised paperback edition of the book. I'd love to see some survivor suits against the company come out of this; that's the only thing that'll break their smug silence.
- tom moody 3-28-2002 9:39 pm

sounds like an issue they might consider here.
- dave 3-29-2002 1:40 am [add a comment]

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