But that's exactly what I'm doing! Or was that life assurance?
Well uh yeah, not that there's anything wrong with selling life insurance, I just uh...uhhh. And no offense with that F the Magnolia line. I wrote that right before seeing your April Fools pictures. Of course if I really wanted to offend someone, guaranteed, I would express a stupid opinion about the uh mideast conflict. I think I could probably piss someone off just saying Israel. Or, Palestine.
Or was that life assurance?
- alex 4-01-2002 7:33 pm
Well uh yeah, not that there's anything wrong with selling life insurance, I just uh...uhhh. And no offense with that F the Magnolia line. I wrote that right before seeing your April Fools pictures. Of course if I really wanted to offend someone, guaranteed, I would express a stupid opinion about the uh mideast conflict. I think I could probably piss someone off just saying Israel. Or, Palestine.
- jimlouis 4-01-2002 7:42 pm [add a comment]
Israel!? Palestine!? You must be the biggest fool on earth, and a bad person, to boot. Can't you see how utterly obvious it all is? Let me unexplain...
- alex 4-01-2002 7:49 pm [add a comment]
Please Alex, just calm down. Anyway, I know your just blowing smoke about the mideast, its that Magnolia comment that stuck in your craw. Craw?
- jimlouis 4-01-2002 7:59 pm [add a comment]
Let the Magnolias stay down south where they belong. We've got Cucumber Tree.
- alex 4-01-2002 9:27 pm [add a comment]