you should have business cards designed as leaves. im sure mr arbor day could find something suitable for our nyc environs. im tempted to join you on your sojourn but i just took half a valium so that i could sit up straight without wincing, so i dont think a bowling alley would do much for my nerves. i think i saw an ad for bowlmor on tv, no actually it was on an access hollywood segment -- fun with the stars -- that sort of thing. its said they had glow in the dark pins. now thats living!
i think you should ditch the "on" between the name and the date. if not, why not an "at" before the time??
- dave 5-26-2000 2:52 am
i think you should ditch the "on" between the name and the date. if not, why not an "at" before the time??
- dave 5-26-2000 2:54 am [1 comment]