Buy back programs seem like the perfect solution. Who could argue? No coersion; if you want to have/keep a gun you can. But still lots of incentive to turn them in. Seems like the best of both worlds. Now all we have to do is get the cash payments up. What if it was $100 a gun? $500? $1000? Could you hit a price point where you would get almost all the guns? (Obviously there is a point, for example, $50,000 a gun would surely get almost every gun out there, although that may no be a reasonable number.) Even if it cost a few billion dollars, wouldn't it be worth it? Rather than passing laws, I think people should pony up the dough into a central fund to be used for a nation wide, no questions asked, buy back program.
- jim 5-30-2000 11:20 pm

i think you lost me there jim, if not yourself. no amount of money is worthwhile if guns are not outlawed which you yourself are opposed to. ill buy a gun and turn it in if someone will give me $50000. and then ill go out and buy another 1000 and turn them in. i doubt that gun buybacks are very effective when there are 250000000 gun in america and counting.
- dave 5-31-2000 4:09 am [2 comments]

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