FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA. - Virgin Mary grilled-cheese sandwich fetches $28,000 US

A grilled cheese sandwich that its owner claimed bore the image of the Virgin Mary has been sold for $28,000 US on an online auction.

The sandwich was owned by Florida resident Diana Duyser, who made the sandwich ten years ago, and after taking one bite out of it, claimed to see the Virgin Mary staring back at her.

The 52-year-old has kept the half-sandwich in a plastic box with cotton balls on her nightstand and claims that it has remained free of mould.

Earlier this month she put the sandwich up for auction on the online auction house eBay with an opening bid of $3,000 US. Buoyed by media attention and public curiousity, it's price quickly rose eventually closing with a $28,000 US winning bid Monday afternoon.

GoldenPalace.com, an online casino, was the winning bidder. Officials with the company said they planned to raise money for charity by taking the sandwich on a global tour.

"We believe that everyone should be able to see it and learn of its mystical power for themselves," Richard Rowe, CEO of GoldenPalace.com, said.

Duyser, a work-at-home jewelry designer, said the lucky sandwich was responsible for her wining an accumulated $70,000 US from a casino near her home over the past decade.

- sally mckay 11-24-2004 7:08 pm

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