Don't eat with your mouth open.
(warning, aphorism under construction:
People who think with their minds closed shouldn't talk with their mouths open.(does not apply to present company, of course.))
you have a present company? id like one gift horse, please. and a stability to keep it in. in exchange you can have a bunch of horseshit or a modicum of horse sense. you decide.
(warning, aphorism under construction: People who think with their minds closed shouldn't talk with their mouths open.(does not apply to present company, of course.))
- alex 6-16-2000 8:57 pm
you have a present company? id like one gift horse, please. and a stability to keep it in. in exchange you can have a bunch of horseshit or a modicum of horse sense. you decide.
- dave 6-16-2000 10:11 pm [3 comments]