We called it puh-LAH-shuss, and the body of water trez puh-LAH-shuss bay. Although the demographics may have shifted. It was about 50% hispanic 50% anglo when I spent time time. But the anglo population seemed to be dropping, while the hispanic population seemed to be rising. And that was before the wave of Vietnamese immigration to Gulf Coast fishing communities.
By the way, my favorite Texas mispronounciation-on-purpose-cause-who-won-the-war: San Felipe. Rather than Sawn Fe-LEE-pay, its Sayan FIL-a-pee.
By the way, my favorite Texas mispronounciation-on-purpose-cause-who-won-the-war: San Felipe. Rather than Sawn Fe-LEE-pay, its Sayan FIL-a-pee.
- mark 3-05-2007 9:58 pm