Latest is they’re looking to relocate Astroland nearby. My favorite CI memory is of a rock show with a lot of the old EV/LES crowd back when they started the retro-sideshow scene. There were crazy lightning storms that night and people were standing around on the bleak beach in the lurid light with their hair standing straight up in the ionized air.

Nowadays I take the train to Coney Island then walk 10 minutes back to Calvert Vaux Park at the mouth of CI Creek, where you can watch a heap-o’-humpin’ Horseshoe Crabs.


Our childhood future is now passé but the 300 million year old thing goes on

- alex 6-06-2007 5:00 am

I remember that night. Unsure of whether it was safer on the beach or under the metal awnings of the boardwalk, the hair on our arms standing up.
- steve 6-06-2007 8:21 am [add a comment]

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