clemens is from texas and will do anything it takes to win. nolan ryan, another texan and friend of bush, would be another good choice. i think hes having some heart problems which would make him a good stand in for cheney. if the rocket fizzles, the first man out of the pen is ryan. cheney has an almost don zimmeresque quality. i think rockers been recruited by team buchanan. who would that leave for nader?? the only thing thats coming to me is sandy koufax but maybe thats wishful thinking.
Bill Lee? Mark Fydrich? (sp?)
- dave 11-14-2000 10:41 pm
Bill Lee? Mark Fydrich? (sp?)
- jim 11-14-2000 11:59 pm [add a comment]
thats funny. both those guys came to my mind too. i was also thinking tug mcgraw whose a more obscure mets wacko pitcher.
- dave 11-15-2000 1:41 am [add a comment]