i bought at peak, oh well.....

love life (and will be here in 10 I believe),

gots me an attitude of gratitude
- Skinny 2-13-2009 3:47 am

I think you are fine with 745. Its an entire building plus it is NYC. You have land! and there is only so much of that here. People who bought condos here at peak as an "investment" and are renting them for up to $1000 less per month than the mortgage are the ones getting hit hard. Toll Brothers Building on waterfront in williamsburg are selling last remaining condos for almost half of what they were in the beginning.
- ken 2-13-2009 2:33 pm [add a comment]

Exactly. And plus, you're an easy walk to subway. Mass transit is going to be more and more important going forward as gas powered cars become more and more undesirable (or just unaffordable.) That's a pretty good buy even if not at the best time.
- jim 2-13-2009 3:12 pm [add a comment]

and you bought prior to peak. your good.
- bill 2-13-2009 10:48 pm [add a comment]

you all are too positive:>)

did i tell you about the illeagle deck and the ferral cats so the back yard smells of old cat (not allways:>).....

no house on my side of the street has sold for more than 745 since we bought, 735, 740
- Skinny 2-14-2009 2:44 am [add a comment]

Gotta second the comment about land. They ain't making any more.

- mark 2-14-2009 5:23 am [add a comment]

i want to live on a Plan-It, like a moon, space is the place
- Skinny 2-14-2009 3:00 pm [add a comment]

if you had to sell right now you you wouldn't even take a lose considering all the rent saved. But you don't have to sell, right? The deck is easily resolved and I have a pit bull you can borrow for those cats.
- ken 2-14-2009 4:28 pm [add a comment]

can do deck demo.
- bill 2-14-2009 4:38 pm [add a comment]

I guess the clapping was because they were grateful the whole roof didn't come down. Now they only have a 20 foot long hole. Yay!
- ken 2-14-2009 4:42 pm [add a comment]

yah but what do I do about the door that opens to the deck and doesnt lock, when the deck is gone....

no need to sell but also its cost a lot to rent this place from the bank
- Skinny 2-14-2009 7:09 pm [add a comment]

1) get a lock. 2) have a landing and steps built to code.
- bill 2-14-2009 7:48 pm [add a comment]

Or use it to get rid of unwanted guests.
- jim 2-14-2009 10:07 pm [add a comment]

jim your welcome anytime:>)
- Skinny 2-15-2009 12:27 am [add a comment]

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