O.K. I got it worked out. This page should be O.K., I'll update all the other pages by tomorrow.

How embarassing. It's been a long time since I looked around inside this beast. My god what a mess. That calendar script in the archive especially. I must have known when I wrote it that would break in Feb 2001, but I guess I figured it was good enough, and I'd fix it if there was a need when the time came. No big deal I guess. Now it will break next February again, but the whole system should be re-written by then so I'm not going to worry about it. Hey wait, that was the problem the first time around...
- jim 2-09-2001 10:27 pm

you make me laugh--i can see you waving your hands in the air saying "holy toledo"--love you brother--now clean up your mess:>)
- Skinny 2-10-2001 11:13 pm [add a comment]

  • "Holy Toledo" was righteous, and the trip to the printers was completely there.
    - jimlouis 2-11-2001 3:07 am [add a comment]

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