whatever happened to the winer/screaming question. what was his interest in them?
The general answer I think is that he's interested in making as many industry connections as he can. The more specific answer is that his new product (radio.userland.com) is a framework for publishing and viewing news feeds, and he is trying to get as many different (both blog and old style established media) streams flowing through his system. He really wants the NY Times headlines to be in the system, but the Times won't let him. Screaming Media has a deal with the Times, so I guess he was hoping they would let him have it. I don't think they're in the position to do that though (nor would they want to if they were.) On a more interesting front (although I probably don't really know enough to speculate) it does seem like his software (radiouserland) could be really cool client software for any company that streams media (especially headline news type media.)
My guess is that nothing will come of this.
- dave 2-15-2001 10:44 pm
The general answer I think is that he's interested in making as many industry connections as he can. The more specific answer is that his new product (radio.userland.com) is a framework for publishing and viewing news feeds, and he is trying to get as many different (both blog and old style established media) streams flowing through his system. He really wants the NY Times headlines to be in the system, but the Times won't let him. Screaming Media has a deal with the Times, so I guess he was hoping they would let him have it. I don't think they're in the position to do that though (nor would they want to if they were.) On a more interesting front (although I probably don't really know enough to speculate) it does seem like his software (radiouserland) could be really cool client software for any company that streams media (especially headline news type media.)
My guess is that nothing will come of this.
- jim 2-15-2001 10:53 pm [add a comment]
all sm providers have the right to refuse permissioning - so if they didn't want him, he won't get them. besides, this deal with nytsyn was a software deal -we don't syndicate much from them anymore.
- linda 2-16-2001 5:16 am [add a comment]