hey wait didn't you like make a movie I'm sure I remember seeing it about how when the Discovery Channel film crew leaves the cave it turns into an 80+decibel Mariachi Discoteque with chorus line of Latina hotties high kicking to Styx covers and offering free lapdances to our intrepid gringo spelunkers or maybe that was another steve
That one was shot in Yellowstone sans Latinas.
whoa whoa whoa I just discovered WAX, OR THE DISCOVERY OF TELEVISION AMONG BEES. wow, I'm sure yur familiar. my discovery came on the day we received delivery of our hive and "aggressive Italian bees"! Alamogordo Mesopotamia Bees Ghosts movies of the dead ...man this is YOUR bag
- anonymous 6-06-2012 9:46 pm
That one was shot in Yellowstone sans Latinas.
- steve 6-07-2012 2:13 am [add a comment]
whoa whoa whoa I just discovered WAX, OR THE DISCOVERY OF TELEVISION AMONG BEES. wow, I'm sure yur familiar. my discovery came on the day we received delivery of our hive and "aggressive Italian bees"! Alamogordo Mesopotamia Bees Ghosts movies of the dead ...man this is YOUR bag
- Frank Wall (guest) 6-08-2012 6:47 pm [add a comment] [edit]
i was kind of hoping that first segment was the whole movie.
- dave 6-08-2012 7:37 pm [add a comment]